Active Developer Badge Registration

Here, you can get the active developer badge.

Steps to do it:

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal and make a new application.
  2. Go to the Bot section, and click on "New Bot" if you see that. If you don't see it, just click "Copy" at the token part and save it in your clipboard.
  3. Click on "OAuth2" and "URL Generator", scroll down, add the "bot" scope, and at the bottom, copy the invite URL.
  4. Paste the invite URL into a new tab and invite the bot to your server, which has communnity enabled (if it doesn't then enable it).
  5. After that, paste the token from earlier into the input field below, and if it succeeds, go into your server, refresh Discord (Ctrl + R) and type /devbadge. If it says "interaction failed", just click "send" again.
  6. Execute it, and you should be done! go to this link and fill in the form. If it doesn't work, allow up to 24 hours for Discord to make your application "active".
  7. Remember to come back to this website and repeat the steps every month, or you're going to lose the badge!

Also, this is completely secure, you can reset your token after doing this, I'd do it without a backend but sadly, I can't send requests to discord directly in browser. The backend code is here.

Made by Aljo#9481